We love sharing our beautiful coconut bowls with you. But that’s not our goal. Our goal is to set the new standard for the way we buy, consume and live our lives. Sounds ambitious? It is. But we have to act now, for the future of the people, the animals, and our planet. Via our sustainable and fair products, we want to inspire you to make to live a beautiful and sustainable life.

From Silicon Valley to Eco Entrepreneur

I have been working in the sustainability field for years. When working for Tesla in California, I learned a lot about the impact humans have on our planet. During that time, my dream to start my own company and raise awareness for a plant-based and sustainable planet grew. After three years I decided to pursue that dream and I started Plant Ahead. Now I give talks and workshops on how to life a sustainable life and I sell sustainable products like coconut bowls, coconut candle holders, bamboo straws, palm chopsticks etc. My motto: Plant-Based. Sustainable. Fairtrade.
Miriam Melchers, Founder Plant Ahead

How it all started

I have always loved animals and nature. When growing up, animals were a part of our family. We had pets at home and my mom also took care of many other animals in our neighborhood. But at the same time I was also eating meat, that was normal and I totally wasn’t aware of the impact. I had other priorities. After I graduated I started working in the advertising business. I worked my ass off for companies like Coca Cola and Heineken. At some point, I realized that I could much better spend all my efforts on working for companies that do something good. No more bullsh*t jobs for me!

That’s how I finally ended up at Tesla in California, where I was helping to drive the global transition to sustainable transport. This transition is extremely important, but can’t be realized overnight. When I found out that the meat industry produces even more CO2 emissions than all transport combined (!), I realized how much impact you can have as an individual person – by simply switching to a plant-based diet. So that’s what I did and I have never felt so good!

Coconut bowls with a positive message

When I returned to the Netherlands, I decided to start my own company. I started selling coconut bowls, because I think they are the perfect way to spread a sustainable message. As humans we have the most impact on our planet with all the stuff we buy and by eating meat. Via my coconut bowls, I want to inspire people to live sustainable and to eat plant-based.The coconut bowls are made from coconut shells, a waste product from the coconut industry. Together with my partner in Vietnam we give them a new life as a beautiful bowl that you can enjoy every day. Each product is handmade and created in an ethical way, because I believe that’s the only right way. It’s not an easy process to build a sustainable and fair business. But I love a challenge and I believe this is the future.
Plant Ahead coconut bowls are handmade and sustainable. Choose one of our unique designs or customise your bowl.
Enjoying a smoothie bowl served in a coconut bowl

More Impact

To make more impact, I have another company The Footprint Challenge. We offer organisations a 40-day sustainability programme that challenges employees to reduce their footprint and grow their handprint. Do you want to make impact together with your colleagues? Check out our website or email me at [email protected].

Plant-based & Sustainable Future

I want to help build a plant-based and sustainable future, for the people, the animals and the planet. I think we have lost the connection with the ecosystem. But as soon as we start seeing ourselves as part of the ecosystem again, we will automatically make better decisions. By taking small steps you can already make a big impact. Start today!

Miriam Melchers
Founder Plant Ahead